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25 questions

Suggested timelimit:

29 minutes


Angular Components, Templates and Modules, Data Binding

Angular Services and Dependency Injection

Angular Routing and Single-Page Applications

Angular Forms

Angular and RxJS

Angular HTTP

Angular Animations

Angular Online Assessment Test: How it is structured and how it can help you hire your best candidate

The Angular Web Framework is one of the most successful JavaScript frameworks that enable designers to build complex and comprehensive web applications. The Angular framework is backed by Google with its extensive experience in building complex applications. Right from its earlier incarnation as AngularJS, this framework has proved its versatility and capability in meeting the needs of designing JavaScript-based web applications. Before hiring an Angular designer or developer, it is important to comprehensively check their understanding of the Angular framework. This test, with its extensive coverage of various Angular topics, is the right vehicle for evaluating and assessing a potential candidate’s competencies.

Which use cases can customers have for this online assessment test?

Web development has no boundaries. As stated earlier, the Angular framework has proved to be a versatile framework for implementing complex web applications. It is important that a candidate’s knowledge is assessed in the general use of a JavaScript framework like Angular. By using this online assessment test, you are able to screen numerous candidates and pre-select highly competent ones that will help you with your projects that run on Angular.

Which areas (chapters) will be covered in the test, and why was it chosen that way?

Angular Components, Templates and Modules, Data Binding
Components are the basic units around which a typical Angular application is organized. Building a component requires attention to designing both the JavaScript as well as the template, both of which together control how the information is displayed. The interaction between the template and the Component class is structured around data binding. Furthermore, a typical Angular application is composed of a hierarchy of components typically grouped into functional modules. This section covers these basic features of Angular. Any designer should be well-versed with various aspects of these features. The questions in this section test the understanding of the candidate about these basic features in detail.

Angular Services and Dependency Injection
Managing the data required by the application, communicating with the server and caching the data becomes the responsibility of Angular services. A typical application is structured with several components that draw their data from the services. Furthermore, dependency injection is an important design pattern that has been leveraged by the Angular framework to enable the flexibility of designing services and injecting them into components where needed. Any good candidate should be well-versed with these concepts and how to structure an application around components and services. This section tests the understanding of the candidate on these concepts.

Angular Routing and Single-Page Applications
Typical Angular applications are designed with multiple views, each view, in turn, is composed of multiple components. Routing provides the means for navigating among the views of an Angular app. Single-page applications thus depend on the support of the Angular router. This section tests the candidate’s understanding of Angular router features and how they can be used in designing single-page applications.

Angular Forms
Forms provide the primary means for handling user input in any web application. Angular provides many features to enhance the handling of web forms and form validation. This section tests the candidate’s understanding of the specifics of Angular support for forms and form validation

Angular and RxJS
Angular makes extensive use of observables as a means for handling asynchronous operations. Particularly, the Angular router, reactive forms, and server communication are all built around observables. Also, the RxJS library is leveraged in Angular to support observables. This section tests the candidate’s understanding of observables and RxJS in particular. This skill is essential for designing interactive Angular applications.

Angular HTTP
The HTTP client in Angular is based around the XMLHttpRequest interface. It provides an observable based API and streamlined error handling for consumption within the app. This section tests the candidate’s understanding of the Angular HTTP client and its use in communication with the servers.

Angular Animations
Animations, while not essential for the functionality of an app, add a lot to the overall user experience. Angular provides a comprehensive framework to synthesize the illusion of motion on the screen to enhance the user experience. In this section, the candidate’s understanding of the animation features provided by the Angular framework will be tested.

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Jogesh K. Muppala

PhD, University Professor
300k Coursera Students

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